Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

When Sharing isn't Caring - A Facebook Story

It isn’t that old, but I’m going to reminisce about the good old days of Facebook, when there was no Share button. Yes my Facebook child, I’ve seen those days and they were pretty wonderful. 

The Share button basically is how we used to get spammed with Forward’s on email. I’m sure every one of you remembers those. Wake up each morning to a bunch of emails with jokes, inspirational quotes, why bananas and cucumbers are good for you, why you shouldn’t drink Coke (it’s always Coke and never Pepsi), 10 exercises that will give you 6 pack abs, 15 places to see in Bolivia, 20 ways to avoid getting diarrhea ... you get the gist. Basically those emails that you never read are now ‘shares’ on Facebook and even if I scan past them, I sort of know what they are about.

So now you have a picture of a girl who wants 10,000 shares and 1 million likes for her father who has cancer. How is that helping in treating the disease? And if I don’t share or like the picture, will her father get sicker? 

You have the person who shares a picture saying that if you have a parent/sibling/child/nephew/niece/neighbour’s dog that you love, you should let the world know. If I don’t share it, does it mean that I don’t love my neighbour’s dog? 

The vegetarian who tells you how awful you are because you’re eating meat. Yes I’m aware that a couple of days every week I turn into a monster.

The vegan who tells you that being vegetarian isn’t enough. Stop consuming dairy. Oh wait, I’m a monster every single day of my miserable existence.

The organic eater who tells me that I’m going to die. I already know that I’m going to die. Does this mean that I’m going to organic hell? 

The Inspirational Quote post-er(s), who tells me that I should be nice all the time (because being nice doesn’t mean I’m weak), forgive everyone I know, that I should be outside jumping in puddles while it’s raining, make others happy (because that in turn will make me happy and of course it’s eventually all about me), blah blah blah. Yeah I get it. I haven’t lost my memory that I need to be reminded every single day. 

The one(s) who are constantly saying that they are going to do whatever the hell they want regardless of what anyone else thinks. Do it, don’t post it. 

And then the one’s who change their diets based upon the latest studies. And want you to do the same. Eating carbs makes you fat (no carbs for me). Not eating carbs makes you forgetful (oops I forgot to eat my carbs). I just ate a giant chocolate chunk cookie and you just ruined it for me by telling me for the millionth time how bad sugar is for me. Meanwhile, let me drink some red wine so I can bring down my blood pressure. 

Let me not forget the ‘remedies’. How some fruit in South America cures cancer but the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know. If you catch a cold because you were dancing in the rain (hey the inspirational quote said that I should), then here’s a list of foods that will help you get rid of it. I honestly hate those trips to the grocery store.

And what’s the deal with ‘posting for an hour’. You know the ones that go ‘please post this on your timeline if you or someone you know has been bit by a mosquito anytime in your life etc etc’. And how they give you specific instructions to not ‘share’ but ‘copy and paste’. What the heck is that all about? If I don’t post it, will I get bit by a mosquito? If I share it instead of copy/pasting it, will I get malaria?

Let me not forget the spouses who wish each other a happy anniversary on Facebook. And to make it worse, share each other’s posts. He/she is sitting right in front of you and just because you’re seeking attention, I am going to ignore your post. I'm trying really hard to be nice but you're not helping. 

And all those pages that friends and friends of friends and family and family of friends create on Facebook that I feel compelled to Like. It’s just so complicated. 

While I’m a fairly regular Facebook user (half hour in the morning and evening), I get this feeling that I’m not going to last too much longer. I miss those days when people’s statuses would be about themselves. Even if it was stupid or mundane (because everyone can’t be clever and funny), it still made me feel like I was in touch with the person for a moment in my day. 

Can we start a campaign to get rid of the ‘Share’ button on Facebook?


Naresh said...

Really awesome awesome one. I would have written something sooner than later. I am quite fed up of these bozos, who in the middle of the night, send me pictures of god or goddess, first on FB Messenger, and now on WhatsApp. What's wrong with these folks? They desperately need to get a life.

And before I sign off..you forgot those "If you are a genius, solve this puzzle" posts....posts where the third guy at minute #7 would have solved...but where folks keep solving it for the next couple of days!

Keep it rolling, Ratan

Normal People Worry Me said...

I know, there are so many more idiotic shares that I didn't even touch upon Naresh!
Yeah the puzzles kill me. It was solved 5000 comments back and you still have the wrong answer??? Seriously, you should be banned from not just FB but from using the Internet.

Nivedita said...

I wish there was a like button for this post though:)
More than anything, the PDA for spouses, for kids who aren't even old enough to be allowed on Facebook and the constant check-in's from every single airport in the world turn me off.
By the way I'm willing to share this on fb;)

Normal People Worry Me said...

Haha! Please feel free to Nivedita!

Rashmi said...

I couldn't agree with u more! Some fb posts are disgusting.
The other side is, one gets to see or read about far off cousins, friends and relatives. That's nice! Once a fortnight peek into fb is ample.
U write well. The flow of thoughts and writing is very smooth. Keep it going.

Normal People Worry Me said...

Thanks so much didi.
I agree that there are some nice things about FB and logging in once in a while is probably the way to go.

Sujata said...

tooooooooo good and i agree with you totally!

Uma K said...

You forgot to include Candy Crush invites, and threats to kill the next inviter!! Totally enjoyed reading your post! And I can just imagine you jumping in puddles when it's raining! :D :D :D

Nivedita said...

Yup, shared it. Now I bet this will get shared!

Normal People Worry Me said...

Thanks Sujata!
Will post of picture of me jumping in the rain so you can share it on Facebook Uma!!

Normal People Worry Me said...

Maybe I'll get my 10 minutes of fame thanks to Facebook sharing Nivedita! Btw how did you come across my blog?

Nivedita said...

I'm on your mailing list. You added me on because of Uma (who is a mutual friend)

Normal People Worry Me said...

Ah mystery solved. I was looking for a Nivedita on the mailing list, which of course is not part of your email.

Sabita said...

Excellent piece!

Carol Rice said...

Totally agree.
Instagram for me.

Normal People Worry Me said...

Me too! The only time I log into FB now is when I share something I've written. Which lately is hardly ever! Thoroughly enjoying Instagram!