Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Ugly Human

I woke up angry this morning. While I was going through the usual morning chores due to the absence of my man-Friday, I couldn't concentrate on whatever I was doing. So I sat down and wrote this piece to share this state of mind with my family and friends. Written in 15 minutes, I'm posting it without much edit. Please excuse any errors.

I wish I could turn myself into an insensitive asshole so that I wouldn’t get affected by all the crap that goes on around me every single day of my life. Today it’s panic within the North East community from being discriminated against, a new government sponsored scam to loot the country or twenty other incidents that are all over the news. Sometimes I just want to run away but where does one go? Is your country war ridden for years? Do you have the threat of another imbecile Republican president returning to administer your country? I want to be in ‘la-la land’ but I can’t seem to find it.

If you ask me for my opinion, or even if you don’t, here’s what I think should happen. Aliens need to invade our planet and humans need to be wiped out from the face of the earth. We’ve had our chance and what have we done? Destroyed our forests, ruined our climate, wiped out species, killed and milked for greed and completely lost our conscience somewhere along the way.

Everyday I am more and more embarrassed and ashamed of being Indian and human. We are easily the ugliest species ever. Live and let die. Who cares about anyone else as long as I have something to gain? Who cares if you are on the street or if you cease to exist, as long as I get what I want. Because I want more and more and there’s no end to the zeroes in my stack of desired wealth. Millions are passé. Too many billionaires now. Let’s aim for a trillion. And what’s the ‘word’ for once I get the required three zeroes after a trillion? Gazillion?

And what do most of the ones with a conscience do? We sit in our living rooms and rant about it. Maybe post some link on social media or email so we can be a count in a protest that mostly doesn’t lead to anything. Were we able to save the trees in Malleswaram where the administrators sneakily chopped them off in the middle of the night? What is going on with our forests? Mines? Tigers? Lakes? Landfills? Random shootings?

Of course we have no money to feed and house our poor. We do however, have a large budget to send an entourage of our politicians on a tour to several developed countries so that they can study and learn from their processes. Sure. Who are they kidding? Do we look like a bunch of complete idiots? Is the report from the study ever going to be made public? Will we see a change from it. Fat chance! A taxpayer sponsored holiday for our ugly politicians who will most likely make a nuisance of themselves and make the locals think that all Indians are uncivilized and uncouth.

And now that I’m done with my bitching and ranting, let me go back to my comfortable life and make plans for the weekend.

Yes, I hate me too.


Anonymous said...

you know i was talking to a few random friends in last few days, all of them have similar feelings including myself... like you said what can be done, join protests, sign campaigns, vent it out on someone or yourself, that is all... it is terrible, but then you said it... there is still the weekend that can be planned... :) - Vinod

Uma said...

I so, so echo your feelings. With each passing day, I hate the human race, especially the Indian variety more and more. If you believe in Pralaya, the human race is its instrument. To answer the ever-present philosophical question 'why are we here on this earth?' - it is to destroy the earth. I refuse to think of homo sapiens sapiens as the best, most evolved species. All the so-called 'achievements' of the human race have been for the benefit of humans alone. And each achievement destroys Mother Earth some more! Selfish b*****ds!!
But I can't afford to be hopeless and cynical and angry, because I have to live on this earth for whatever time I have. And since I have only this one life, I want to live it happily. I have found that the best way for me to be happy, is to do my bit to reduce the burden on Mother Earth, to surround myself with people who feel the way I do, and work with them to convince others to care more for the earth.
Each of us should find a way to do this, so we don't end up hating ourselves...

Vani said...


You just took the words from my mouth. I have never felt as disgusted as I am feeling these days for just being an Indian! We have no shame, none whatsoever! My bane in life at this point is garbage clearance, jumping ques, breathing over one's shoulder while at a counter, spitting, urinating etc etc etc. lack of commitment, no accountability, shouting and speaking, speaking on cell phones while driving and speaking loudly in public places.....the list goes on.

How can I personally contribute to a better India?

Rick said...

WOW, your blog took me by surprise. You’ve always been one to “look on the bright side”, and I think that’s a great things! I agree that there are many things that are wrong and we cannot impact them, but for those that we can impact we should do all we can to ensure a positive outcome. If there is anything I can do to help you get out of your less than optimistic mood let me know.

Susan Rostov said...
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Richa said...

Can totally understand your state of frustration and anger as, I've pretty much lived in it, too:( Without the faculty for words that you have, it led me to high BP and other more drastic ailments. Fortunately, I've discovered one small way to get even. Individual action -which might amount to less than a drop in the ocean but causes major frustration and anger in those around me that don't seem to feel it the rest of the time (my kids n husband a lot of times). So, I recycle my kitchen water - by using it to rinse my dishes and for my plants. I plan all my errands around the shortest distance. Put all my vegetable/fruit scraps into the li'l hole I've dug in my backyard instead of sending them to the dumpster like all s'pposedly normal people. Along with reducing my news consumption to either programs that can see the ridiculous in the so called earnest effort that the human race is making towards its downfall (don't know if there's something =to the Daily Show/George Carlin on the Indian scene) or something truly uplifting like Satyamev Jayte or NPR. Don't know if any of this might help you or not but, seems to be working for me, along with my music classes.

Hoping you get a bit of your optimism back, soon.

Susan Rostov said...

Ratan - I'm not sure what prompted this entry. All the movies we get stateside from India apparently glorify your country. Some Indian company just signed a megabillion contract with coal companies in KY and West Virginia to provide coal to India. While it is good for the economy, the environmental impact will be awful. I'm like the friend who said she/he has to have hope. That's how I feel but I also agree with entry that says homo sapiens simply can't be the best of species.

Any plans for travel to the U.S.? Hope so. Best, Susan

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think there is anything more (or less) wrong with society and humanity than it has always been. We've always spanned the spectrum of good and bad. Heck, humanity didn't exactly outshine itself during the world wars, the various genocides, the crusades, and the countless wars that we've waged constantly.

At the same time, the "good" also never went away or even got reduced. Perhaps, news reporting nowadays focuses on negative news or perhaps it is getting drowned out by the other high profile crap in the world - I don't know.

But I do know that you are not a misanthrope or a depressive guy, so cheer up :) There's lots of things to be done and lots of things to be learnt and discovered, and we don't have too much time :)


Anonymous said...

Being part of the human race, I do not hate humans, nor am I ashamed for my NRI friends. I look to disney fro some comfort. It is after all my friends, part of the circle of life
“Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase”
“Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze”
“It means no worries
For the rest of your days”
“It's our problem-free
“Hakuna Matata!”
And I am the optimistic pessimest