Each time we enter into a new calendar year, we tend to reflect upon the one that just went by. Or at least I do. And my verdict for 2018 is that personally, it was a pretty good year for me. I ended the past year with my friends in Kolkata, with laughter, food and travel and began this year with a minor surgery, left over from the accident I had a couple of years ago and something I had been putting off for a while.
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Bringing in the new year with friends |
This information was shared with you, not to get sympathy or attention (honestly!) but to talk a little about how working on my mind the past 2 years has helped me to treat the entire hospital episode as just another day (or two) in my life. Of course, the fact that it was a minor surgical procedure helped but it’s never fun to be in an institution where everyone is broken or ill. Or being under the knife. Thankfully I stayed calm through the two days earlier this week, slept like a baby (without aid) and enjoyed the surprisingly good hospital food!
Now going back to last year - it really was a landmark year of sorts for me as I officially got into the ‘feeding’ industry. When I met Ranjeet almost exactly a year ago at the Kolkata airport, I honestly did not think that I would be running a brand new cafe, with so much of ‘me’ in it. While I’ve always enjoyed cooking, feeding and taking culinary lessons, it was always treated as a hobby. In 2018 it became more than that.
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Close to my heart - Terra Bites |
Cooking for family and friends, and cooking for strangers who are paying for their meals, is like night and day. The former will always appreciate whatever you lay out in front of them, many people from the latter group will try and find fault with everything. Believe me when I tell you that it’s really hard to be judged constantly.
Thankfully and knock on wood, the response by and large has been fantastic. There will always be some I won’t please, regardless of what I do but as long as I’m seeing happy faces leave the cafe, many of who are returning often, I am nothing short of thrilled. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now because although I’m working on eliminating fear from my mind, I am still afraid to jinx it!!
Besides the cafe, the year also had me being involved in a story I had written that a friend of mine, Aditya, wanted to turn into a short film. Writing the screenplay together and then being a part of the shoot was an experience that has made me understand films from a completely different perspective. Hopefully the movie will be released for all of you to watch sometime in the early part of this year.
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Coming soon - Fingers crossed! |
Although I travelled a fair amount, it took a little bit of a backseat due to these other activities. After three years I went back to my favourite place, Ladakh, and got close to the mountains that I so dearly love. A trip to Varkala during the devastating floods in Kerala, made me realise once again how vulnerable we are to losing our lives.
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Ah Ladakh! How I had missed you |
And I have to thank this vulnerability, that I experienced all through 2016, for helping me turn my life around. To do the things I kept putting off, where I can proudly say that I’ve mostly overcome this disease called procrastination. Where into my middle ages I feel like I’m starting life once again, being thankful for every opportunity to learn, grow and enjoy from what life throws my way. My goal for this year is to forget the meaning of fear.
Once upon a time, when I was a young boy, my dad had my palm read by an ‘expert’. While I have no recollection of what he predicted from those lines, the one thing that (strangely) stayed with me was that I would become famous in the food industry. I’ve always wondered why this piece of information made such an impact, even at that age, that I never forgot about it. And although I have no interest in fame, I think I would like to feed more people and have them appreciate and enjoy what comes out of a kitchen that I may run.
None of us know what’s in store for us this year, this month, tomorrow or even the next moment. I’ve given up making plans for the future and have never believed in having a bucket list. The future is now and the bucket is going to get kicked in any case. Make the most of the present and have a rocking 2019!
It's nice to see that you're bouncing back. Congratulations on Terrabites! And Spring Cleaning.
I can't say that 2018 was particularly kind to me. It ended on a hopeful note, though. So am thinking positively about 2019.
I did successfully complete NaNoWriMo and got about 72K words into Vol1 of my book. Plus, I have about 14/15 short stories in varying stages of readiness.
Am actively looking for an amateur theatre company willing to put my play on stage... fingers crossed!!
Thanks Ajesh! Sorry to hear that you didn't have a great year but it sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on and to look forward to. I wish you all the very best.
Keep doing what you love!
That blog was one hell of a read!! loved it to bits! More than the style of writing itself, what I enjoyed most was the fact that it very vividly brought to my mind's eyes everything that happened last year with you. Looking back at your year fills me with so much positivity! Can't help feeling amazed at how much you were able to pack into 365 days - a trip to Ladakh, a film script and shoot and running a cafe. Am feeling exhausted as I type!
But you are not!! you are still raring to go. Hats off to your spirit! You have taken that brief hospital stint in your stride. Anybody else would have moaned and groaned about it. Just stay as you are and may each year be as blessed as the last one. Happy 2019 to you!
"My goal for this year,
is to forget the meaning of fear." A great resolution to start the new year, which has always been one of the guiding principle in my life. Wish you all the best for the same.
Wow a lovely informative read .. I learnt quite a bit more about you from this Post, Ratan. Hope you have fully recovered from your minor Op and that it won’t give you an excuse to stop Cooking at Terra Bites when I book a table .. in the not too distant future. Look forward SPPING CLEANING (funny name ... I know, I know, someone’s standing in the way) Love that Happy NY photo with your friends. And the photo of Ladakh is spectacular (also on my List). Amazing about the Palm Reading .. or maybe Not, as I believe everyone in India loves Food .. including International Visitors. And most of all .. good to hear you are feeling so Positive and giving up Fear .. I think as we age, Fear, Stress and Nervousness rear their ugly heads a lot more often .. so it’s good to have a strategy to keep them in line. My Mantra is from a book I read many years ago .. “Choose Love over Fear” .. fear represents all negative emotions and Love of course, represents all the positives. Happy New Year dear friend xxx
Lovely post Tini.........
Wow buddy.
As always ur writing never fails to perk me up when I'm down in the dumps.
Hope and pray that u have a fantastic journey this year on yr culinary adventures and yeah, I hope to emulate ur way of eliminating the word procrastination from my limited vocabulary and finally meet up with u hopefully at terrabites.
Keep cooking,writing,travelling and keep others as happy as you would be buddy.
Am signing in as anonymous coz of a problem logging in buddy.
Thanks for such a generous and sweet comment. A very happy new year to you too Priya and I hope that we get a chance to meet.
A lovey piece of writing.... fantastic.
Waiting for more to come. Also eagerly waiting for the movie release.
Thanks Shuvajit. And I wish you the same :)
Actually the name of the movie is Spping Cling Carol!!!
Thanks for such a nice comment. Hope to see you in India in the near future. A very happy new year to you too.
Thanks Tutu!
Thanks for your comment Anonymous Raj. It was good chatting with you yesterday. Thanks also for your warm wishes and I wish you a great year also. Looking forward to a trip with you in March. Cheers
Thanks Ashoke. I'm eagerly looking forward to the movie also :)
Enjoyed the post thoroughly.. Beautifully expressed.
Looking fwd to the film and the new menu at Terra bites:)
Keep doing what u enjoy so much..
Hi! I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! You’ll find the rules and questions at the end of this blog post of mine, if you should feel so inclined 🙂 https://callarosearose.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/ive-been-nominated-for-the-sunshine-blogger-award/
Sorry for not reading ur blog earlier. I am sure u r not surprised!!
I am so happy that u have ur plate full ( literally also) with so much going on and for taking the initiative to make things happen. That's the spirit. Keep it up.
As for me when I look back I feel I have nothing to complain about. But like one of ur friends commented ' with age fear,stress and nervousness do dominate. But luckily I manage to take hold of myself and get back on track and plung into whatever is waiting for me!
I enjoy ur style of writing. Keep going. Don't stop.
Gudua Didi.
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