Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Conversations - Remembering and Forgetting

Hey, what's going on?

Don't ask dude ....

Too late. Already asked

I'm cleaning out my closet

That doesn't sound like you at all

I found these jeans I had completely forgotten about
And guess what?

They still fit you perfectly

Hehe they do

That’s hardly a surprise. I don’t think you’ve gained even an ounce since college
Sooooo ….
Do you want to catch a movie this afternoon?

I can’t

Why not?

I promised myself I wasn’t going to step out of the house until I was done cleaning

Come on …

No seriously. I’ve just been putting this off for too long. I have no space left in my closet

How long does it take to clean out a closet?

Oh man. You have no idea. You should come see the mess

Should I?

No!!!!! Absolutely not!!!!!!

Why? What are you hiding in those closets?

Too many skeletons 
And it’s time for them to go!

Do I know any of these skeletons?

I’m not saying ….
Seriously … when will you be done?
Maybe we can catch up in the evening

No dude. Today is pretty much out of the question.
Cleaning sucks. Especially when you have no idea what needs to stay and what needs to go

I could help you decide


That was rude! You could at least pretend that I could be of help

Haven’t you known me long enough to know that I don’t pretend?

You've known me long enough to give me a peek into your closet

Okay I know this pink top is definitely going. No brainer

I didn’t think pink was your colour

It was a gift. And now it’s spent enough time taking space
You know what the problem with me is?

That’s a long list. Where would you like me to start?


Okay so what is the problem with you?

The problem is that most of what I have has a memory attached to them. Half the stuff I don’t even wear anymore

And so you can’t get rid of most of the stuff?

I guess I can. It just makes me nervous to lose those memory associations

So what are you saying?

I’m not sure
I’m a little afraid to forget possibly ...

But maybe it’s time to move on

Maybe it is. But how do I know for sure?

You don’t know for sure. Nobody knows for sure. But we make a decision to discard and move on.
Also, you didn’t tell me what the problem with you is?

Maybe I’m not ready to discard and move on. Maybe I want to keep holding on to those memories

For the rest of your life?

That's a little extreme, don't you think? 
How about until the next time I decide to clean out my closet

I have a feeling we'll be having the same conversation then too

You don't know that

How about you categorise the memories and get rid of some associations today?

How about you let me figure out what I need to do?

You’re being weird now

I am, right? I guess I’m getting rid of the jeans

The ones you can still fit into?

Yup. Those jeans

But why? If you can still wear them ….

That’s not the important part. The important thing is to move on

I want to check out your closets once you’re done

You’ll be surprised. They’ll be a lot emptier than you would expect


Susan Rostov said...

Ratan - As usual, I enjoyed and it is appropriate for where I am in life. Thanks!! Happy holidays. Things stateside are beyond weird. The national mood is tense. I'm going with a girlfriend to London Christmas Day, back Jan. 1, 2019. Hope you have a good holiday---much business at the restaurant. Take good care, my friend. Susan

Narayani said...

Brilliant as usual.

Aparna said...

Awesome timing! I am cleaning out my closets and having this exact same conversation in my head.😌. Always look forward to your posts :)