He was of below average stature, small-framed with long hair, an unkempt beard and introduced himself to the class as a Yoga teacher. The thing I remember about him most vividly is that he usually wore a black T-Shirt (not in this picture though) and was the only one with a Macbook Pro for taking notes, while the rest of us used old fashioned notepads. Other than that he made absolutely no impression on me - I’m not sure if we exchanged any words at all during the course of the week. Even if we did, they must have been inconsequential.
It was an interesting mix of students. There was the young doodler with remarkable talent who I always shared a desk with and had long discussions about films. There was the writer for documentaries who I never got to know very well during class but became close friends with later. The playback singer for Tamil films who moved to New York and with whom I attended a Martin Scorsese workshop. The model-looking engineer/MBA graduate, unhappy with corporate life, happiest as a drummer. The engineering student, the home-maker, the IT professional etc.
Oh and let me not forget, the murderer.
Oh and let me not forget, the murderer.
During the course of the next few years some of these students joined film school, began working in television, quit their corporate jobs to make independent films, joined a band, while others continued with their lives as usual. And then there was one who decided to murder his girlfriend and stuff her body into a freezer. Who would have thought that we had a future killer in our midst, learning the technicalities of script writing?
From the introduction you may have figured out that it was the Yoga teacher. An individual you would expect to associate with serenity, calmness, spiritualism turned out to be the one to strike his girlfriend with an iron rod, attempt to hack her into pieces, stuff her into a freezer and continue to live with the body in his home for 18 days along with his wife (yes there was also a wife in the same apartment!) after the deed was done. Either the guy was remarkably smart or his wife, despicably stupid.
How does a fight between two individuals end up with one of them dead? I get the screaming, shouting, throwing stuff at each other, hitting, slapping, crying. But killing? On the anger-meter how angry does one have to get to be able to justify to himself during that split second that its okay to take a life? And then the seeming lack of remorse. The fact that he didn’t turn himself in to the authorities and hoped to go about his life as usual seems fairly mind blowing.
‘The Following’ a television show about a cult of killers is not only squeamish and creepy, it is disturbing on so many levels. The cult seems to be made up of people you and I would meet in our daily lives. It’s a show I avoid watching last thing at night because it gives me nightmares. Such people must exist. You know what they say about truth being stranger than fiction.
And while crime shows are my favorite genre on television (not because I love to watch people die, but because I like to use my detective skills to solve the case!), I had never really thought that a nondescript man sitting at the desk in front of me would make headlines for all the wrong reasons.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? The next time you’re at a conference or a party, interacting with people you’ve never met before, be aware that there may be a murderer in your midst. Hopefully it isn’t you that’s the target.
And hopefully you're also not the perpetrator.
And hopefully you're also not the perpetrator.
Wow!! A script can come out of this, Ratan! What an experience!
I thought it was the Yogi in the shram with a hookah pipe!!!
Nice writing, easy flow and meanigful adjectives. You had a good connection with this reader and I did not necessarily want to speed read through it. I beleive that this is the first time I have read any of your work. I give it 4 quills!!!
I'm surprised Uma that nobody from that class wrote a script on it!
Thank you Anonymous. I love compliments haha!
So the wife did not open the fridge??? how did SHE get away with that?
really chilling read. but what i fail to understand here is that why the wife didn't open the other door, and if it was locked,why didn't she ask her husband why should ayurvedic medicines be kept locked in a fridge at home, anyways.
maybe she was as you said undeniably stupid.
either way, taking a life really needs a sick mind, a courageous mind or circumstances. don't get me wrong, but to be a soldier and shoot the alleged enemy takes courage,thats what i meant. different people react differently, but this person truly is a sick-o who has no remorse or fear.
god help our society brrrrrrrrrrrrr....
Apparently it was a new freezer that he bought for this purpose and kept in the yoga room, which the wife was not allowed to enter.
Anonymous, I've never really believed that the wife was clueless of the act regardless of how stupid she may be.
I would love to know the identity of the Anonymous commenters!
Makes you wonder if you really do know anyone, really.
Yep - I'm not sure the wife was totally clueless that something weird had happened.
But what really interests me how did he manage to have a wife *and* a girlfriend in the same house.
Lots of questions I could ask, but shan't.
Hmm that's quite disturbing. I don't like watching violent movies or TV shows but I do like British Who Dunits .. for the same reason you gave ... try to work it out before Barnaby. American Crime shows are too gory ... I've been told many times I should have been a Detective but dealing with real Crime would be too distressing. Just don't try telling me a lie.. you'll never get away with it !!!
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