Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Tso Moriri, Ladakh

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Much Ado about Nothing

I’m sitting in front of my laptop, hoping to write something reasonably interesting. Something that people will want to read past the first paragraph and either ‘Like’ or post a (positive) comment about. Or simply smile at the end of the one-pager, glad that they spent a few minutes going through it. After all nobody wants to write something that will bore the reader. And if you’re bored reading my writing, then there’s something wrong with you. Or at least that’s how I justify it to myself.

However, I can’t come up with one mind-arousing topic to write about. My brain is a complete blank. I’m attempting to scan it, desperately searching for ideas. Some clue that will guide me forward.

Still nothing.

Considering how much I love food, not just eating but experimenting with, it’s surprising that I haven’t dedicated a single page to it. Can’t say that I haven’t considered it as a topic. Several times I’ve thought about penning words that will make my readers hungry, have them fantasize about their favorite treat, get them to a point where they have no choice but to stop whatever they’re doing and walk over to the refrigerator to look for something delicious. And if the fridge isn’t cooperative, drive down to their favorite bakery/restaurant/snack shop to indulge, with or without the guilt.

But it’s not happening. I’m not quite getting the right words to fill up a drool-over post.

My friend Elsa who I’ve mentioned previously, is very witty. Actually most of my friends are and it’s really laughter that brings us together. When Elsa visited me recently, we would have these goofy conversations (as we always do), play on words, talk and laugh almost continuously. I remarked to her that I should record our conversations and publish them on my blog. She however didn’t think it was such a good idea. “It’s OUR thing,” she said. “You can’t just share it with everyone.”

So much for writing about my goofy conversations with Elsa.
(‘Conversations with E’ could be a good title though).
(I still think that it would make for a very funny read).
(Doesn’t help that I can barely remember any of those conversations now).

I could write about my travels. Travels outside of New York. Which I also happen to enjoy very much. The problem is that these other places don’t give me the kind of fascinating material that NYC does. And I’m very sure that my readers are sick of my (I-wont-name-the-city-again) posts.

P.S. I, on the other hand, am certainly not sick of writing about ‘her’!

As a last resort I suppose I could make stuff up. Pretend that something incredibly fascinating happened in my life that I must share with everyone. I could get ideas from the newspaper (maybe not - it’s all pretty much depressing news), lives of movie stars (but then I’d have to read about them and why would I do that?), lives of people I know (hmmm ... never mind).

I guess I have to accept the fact that my life is largely uninteresting. I’m at a point where I’m struggling to write about Something. Anything.

Instead all I have for you is a page about Nothing.


Manju said...

Hey Ratan -

Just your passing ruminations about food made me hungry. So I guess your blog about nothing worked. It did for Seinfeld!


Elsa said...

When my grandfather was going blind, he would have me read the news to him every morning. Well being a teenager I got bored with it and then edited the REAL stories and made them outrageous and interesting. My grandfather would ask me, did these things REALLY happen and I would say yes with my fingers crossed. Feeling guilting and uninspired one day I read him the news straight and he said that it was not the same. I fessed up and informed him that I had been editing the news and from that point forward, I was forbidden to read it straight. My thought to you would be to take a news story from wherever and edit it so that you can include those or that which you are thinking about that day. Trust me, THAT will be much ado about fodder! PS: thanks for keeping our conversation about the ridiculous private and if you must know, I don't remember them either, but what I do remember, was how I felt when we were having them!

Ashok said...

Really nice piece.

Normal People Worry Me said...

What did you eat to get rid of your craving Manju?! Maybe like Seinfeld, I'll make it a regular thing!
That is SO you Elsa. I was snickering, reading your comment. You never stop making me laugh!
Thanks Ashok! Glad you enjoyed reading it.
Mary Clare you don't need to be like Elsa. I love you just as much for who you are. I don't mention you in my posts cos you aren't as funny!!

Mary Clare said...

Boring friends need to be mentioned too. Remember that mister!

Normal People Worry Me said...

MC I'll do a piece on boring friends and make you the highlight. Promise!

Vinod said...

Why not write about the Annual Ratan Sethi party this time. We too would like to get featured in your blog :-)

Naresh said...

I can't believe you are in the 'tongue-tied' (or its equivalent) zone!. Well.....for starters, how about teasing your friends as you write about the joy of gobbling up dozens of spicy, tangy 'fuchkaa' at a street corner in Kolkata? Or getting drawn to the waft of tantalizing Chinese or Mexican street food in midtown Manhattan? I think street food needs a whole book, and you start a mad scramble there!
My all time favs have been Kol fuchkaas and Hoggie (did I spell rite?) at this little corner place in Pittsburgh.

Susan said...

I NEVER tire of hearing about New York!

Jenny said...

Hmm... I always thought you were living the sweet life going where you pleased and pleasing where you go. I was shocked to find out that even YOU get writer's block and have lulls in life. However, I think that your lulls aren't really lulls since a real lull would drive readers away not cause them to read and make comments. So your life definitely is NOT as uninteresting as you think it is!

Normal People Worry Me said...

Vinod, the party is a big blur (too many beers)
Susan, I'm well aware of that, as a fellow NY lover
Jenny, the day my life gets truly uninteresting, I will do something drastic!

Normal People Worry Me said...

Some good ideas there Naresh. I shall take them into consideration!

Aruna said...